2025 ADVANCED Sunday Series

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 8 - East and West Rush -
East Rush Public Access
52253-52285 Co Hwy 1 Rush City, MN 55069
East Rush Public Access
Flickabirds Resort Access


Parking Restriction: 20 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the East Rush Public Boat Access. 10 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the west rush public boat access.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- June 22 - North and South Center -
South Center Public Boat Access
150000610, Lindstrom, MN 55045
South Center Public Boat Access
South Center Public Boat Access


Parking Restriction: 24 trucks and trailers will park and launch from the south center public boat access. Six trucks/trailers will park and launch from the north center public boat access.
Lake Restrictions: This tournament is restricted to North Center and South Center Lakes. North Lindstrom, South Lindstrom, and Chisago are off limits.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- July 13 - Forest -
3rd Lake Access (East side Lake 3)
9467 N Shore Trail, Forest Lake, MN 55025
3rd Lake Access (East side Lake 3)
Lake Side Park (West side Lake 1)


Parking Restriction: 7 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the Lake 1 Public Boat Access. 14 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the Lake 3 Public Boat Access. 4 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the #2 Willow Point Public Water Access Site.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- July 27 - Green Lake (Chisago) -
Little Green Public Access
28574 Green Lake Ave, Chisago City, MN​
Little Green Public Access​
Little Green Public Access


Parking Restriction: Six (6) Trucks and Trailers will park at the little Green Public Access. Thirteen (13) trucks and trailers will park from the big green public access. The remaining six (6) trucks and trailers will park roadside along Green Lake Trail.

5:00 am
6:00 am
2:00 pm
- August 10 - Coon -
East Lake Public Boat Access
Lexington Ave NE, Columbus, MN 55025
East Lake Public Boat Access
North of Beach on East lake


Parking Restriction:
22 Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the east coon lake public access.
Three Trucks and Trailers will park and launch from the west coon lake public access.